T-24 updated comments 6/9/15

June 09, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Thanks for all the positive response to my postings regarding T-24. I do not say "on behalf of T-24" as it is not my purpose to save him or send him back to Ranthambhore .... but if that does happen my heart would be glad.

I have wrestled with my thoughts on this event ever since the night of May 7th. I cannot forget it for a day, or even a part of a day. At times I think I am being a meddler ..... when at the scene were told, more or less indirectly, that "it was none of our business". However, I think those in our group possess information so poignant that, used properly, it may result in positive changes ..... and maybe even help Ustad get justice.

The purpose in making my statement was to make ALL aware of dysfunctional procedures in place in the park. The overall situation is complex beyond my imagination ...... including the Indian religious beliefs, their reverence for the tiger, the evolution of the Park/Fort, their tourism industry, and their answers to the "shared land situation".

There is no one-answer, but as I see it, foreign tourism is not the problem, or even an issue. When you spend the time and money to safari in India, you are probably well seasoned and aware of safari etiquette and they represent the minority. The large majority of those present and those causing all the concerns on the night of May 7th were locals ... or at least looked to be from India. Some were in safari "gypsies" but the majority were in large, twenty-plus passenger, open vehicles. They included people of all ages and few appeared equipped for serious photography. I point this out because in Africa, where the safari industry is much more prevalent and well-managed, there are generally age restrictions as it is difficult to properly control little ones and limit disruptions.

You probably haven't heard the last from me. I lay awake at night sometime and have to get up and commit my thoughts to the computer.


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